Drumming Circle Continues

drummingThe next Drumming Circle is on Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015 at 1:30. Enter at the back door of the church. The cost is $10. Seniors $8. There is a possibility of a package deal for 10% off those prices. We expect to continue every second Wednesday. All are welcome – no experience necessary. Leader is Barb Seiler. Drums and percussion instruments are provided.When a group of people are drumming together, something magical happens: everyone is speaking through his or her drum and everyone is listening, at the same time to all the other drums. And each persons sound is an essential part of what the group is creating in that moment.  Everyone’s contribution is valued. Respect for each other becomes the norm.



Oasis United Church to join Okanagan Falls United Church for July and August

“Blasted Church”

Oasis United Church which is an official affirming congregation will be worshiping with Okanagan Falls United Church during the months of July and August at Okanagan Falls United Church. Okanagan Falls United Church will be hosting services for the month of July and Oasis United Church will be “hosting” in Okanagan Falls United Church in August. The services are scent-free. Sunday School will be provided by Oasis United Church volunteers.  Coffee time will follow the service.  These two churches are currently searching for a new minister to serve both congregations.  This is a very exciting time in the life of a congregation.  The search is going well and we are hopeful that we will soon have an announcement regarding the search.

Rev. Heather Burton’s Covenanting Service Sermon

Oliver OK Falls Covenanting Service for Heather Burton 14 April 2013
Psalm 139; 2 Corinthians 4: 1, 7-10
Ministry in Changing Times

Will you pray with me:

Ever present God,
Be in my speaking and in all our thinking,
Be in our hearts and in our souls.

How good it is to have folks from both Oliver and OkanaganFalls together to covenant before God with Heather Burton and Kamloops Okanagan Presbytery for being in ministry here. Continue reading “Rev. Heather Burton’s Covenanting Service Sermon”

Church Spring Clean Up

Bring your rakes, shovels, pruning shears and your strong muscles. We will be cleaning the church inside and out on Saturday, April 20 starting at 10:00 AM.  A light lunch of soup and a bun will be provided.  If you are unable to help come along and supervise.  The eaves troughs needs to be cleaned out so you can come an cheer us on.

Come and help spruce up “The Blasted Church”!

Celebrate Stewardship

celebrate_logo_clrOur Celebrate Stewardship campaign started on April 7.  The Celebrate Stewardship program was developed by The United Church of Canada and focus on a theology of stewardship that highlights the abundance of God’s love for us and our desire and need to respond abundantly to that love. We sum it up in this short sentence:

God gives to us and we give to God. Continue reading “Celebrate Stewardship”