Worship Services beginning again on September 26, 2021

Worship services will begin again in the church building at 9 AM on September 26, 2021.  The service will be at 9 AM with  Rev. Paul James officiating.   As we have lots of room in the sanctuary we recommend that we practice social distancing.  The offering plate will not be passed, it will be at the entrance and your offering can be placed on the plate as you enter or leave the building.  Fellowship will continue following the church service.  There will be no coffee or food provided.

Please be prepared to show proof of vaccination.  The church board in the interest of protecting our congregants passed a motion that requires all people entering the church building to produce proof of vaccination.  The card you received when you got your vaccination will be sufficient.
We would like you all to follow the following recommendations:
1. If you are unwell, please stay home.

2. Please wear a mask while in the church building.
3. Remember that when you attend an in-person service that you are accepting the risks of doing so.
4. Singing with a mask will be allowed; if you feel uncomfortable with this please remain at the back of the church or continue to attend online worship services.

5. Hand sanitizer will be supplied.  It is strongly recommended that you use it on entering and exiting the church building.

Okanagan Falls Zoom Coffee Meetings and Zoom Worship

Okanagan Falls United Church has been holding successful weekly coffee zoom meetings throughout the pandemic at 10 AM every Wednesday morning. (click on the underlined link to join).  Our coffee sessions have been lasting 40 minutes normally but will continue longer if required.

Okanagan Falls United Church congregants have been attending zoom worships with Oasis United Church and with Summerland United Church.  The services are at 10 AM on Sunday morning. (click on the underlined link to join).  Please email or phone Bob Shanks at 250 460-2560 should the link above not work for you.

Should you want to select a different online worship service please select a service here.

We would love to here from you.  Email us at ok.falls.uc@gmail.com


Okanagan Falls United Church is Worshipping and meeting online

Okanagan Falls United Church is Worshiping  and meeting online at many different locations.  Many are joining Oasis United Church in Penticton.  Okanagan Falls United Church held joint services with Oasis United Church in 2016 for several months while Oasis was without a church building.  Okanagan Falls United Church also shared a minister with Oasis United Church for a year.  Here is a link for the service which is at 10 AM on Sunday mornings.

Oasis Church Service

If you are having problems with the link or getting onto Zoom  email (click the word email) to get help or phone Bob Shanks at 250 460-2560.

There are many other options for a Sunday morning service all across the country:

Find your service

Okanagan Falls United Church is also having a scheduled coffee time each Wednesday at 10 AM.  Come and join us:

Okanagan Falls United Coffee Time




Worship Services Suspended due to COVID-19

We have received an email from the Pacific Mountain Regional office telling us that we need to suspend services at Okanagan Falls United Church.  Many of our congregation are joining Oasis United church on Zoom at 10 AM on Sunday Mornings.  We are sure we will hear when they will allow us to once again hold our weekly church services.  OK Falls Quilters is also suspended due to COVID-19.

The message from the United Church of Canada indicates that we will still need to carry on our pastoral care.  To this end I would ask that you contact us if you require any assistance (grocery shopping, trips for medical appointments, etc.) or pastoral care.  Our email and phone numbers are below.

Here is the link to the Pacific Mountain Regions message regarding this topic:


There are the links for 2 online church services:


Log on for online announcements and a personal welcome at 9:55AM and for worship at 10AM



We have implemented the Best Practices recommended by local health officials and the United Church of Canada as a result of COVID-19.

The church has been cleaned and all public areas disinfected, today.
Hand sanitizers have been made available the the front entrance and in the kitchen where our hospitality table is located.
Most importantplease do not attend church if you are feeling unwell or have a fever OR if you have returned from outside Canada in the past 2 weeks.
*Changes that will be implemented as of March 15, 2020(tomorrow)
1. Collection will not be taken during the service so we ask you to place your offering in the collection basket on the communion table before or after the service.
2. Please allow each person to have there own separate place in the pews as we have lots of room to spread out.
3. We ask that people greet one another without touching, hand shaking or hugs. Passing of the Peace will be suspended for now.
4. Please use good hygiene when using the bathrooms and in the fellowship area.
5. Coffee and condiments will be provided. We will have 1 person responsible for preparing and serving the snacks around the table, to minimize handling issues.
6. The church will be cleaned and disinfected prior to each worship service.
If services or gatherings need to be cancelled church members will receive an email or a phone call and this website will be updated
Thank you for your cooperation during this time as we all want to stop the spread of this virus as soon as we can..


Barb Shanks
Okanagan Falls United Church
Board secretary

Reception of New Members

On December 8 Okanagan Falls United Church will have a reception for new members.  If you would like to become a member of the church please contact the church by clicking on the link.

The Reception of New Members service will be conducted by Rev. David Sparks starting at 9 AM on December 8, 2019.  Please be sure to join us to welcome our new church members.

Coffee and goodies will follow the service and all are welcome to mingle and congratulate our new church members.

Come Fly with the Vintage Voices

Vintage Voices concert on April 3 at 7 PM at the Okanagan Falls United Church. (The Blasted Church).

Tickets are $10.  Come and enjoy the music and the fellowship on Wednesday night.

List of songs include:

Medley – Hello My Baby – Kiss Me Once

Song for a Winter’s Night

Early One Morning

The Skye Boat Song

Danny Boy

Turkey in the Straw

By the Light of the Silvery Moon

Deep Purple

Don’t Fence Me In

Have You ever Been Lonely

A Cowgirl’s Sweetheart


Round and Round


Fly me to the Moon

Rocket man and Donald Trump (Drunken Sailors on the world stage)

Jamaica Farewell

Island in the Sun

Coconut Woman

Lovely Hula Hands


Blue Skies


Scarlet Ribbons

A Little Bird Told Me

Once in a While

It’s Now or Never

Now is the Hour

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Thanksgiving Food Drive

The Thanksgiving Food Drive will occur on September 15, 2018 from 9 AM to noon.

A letter will appear in the mail telling you all about the food drive and a plastic bag will be included.  Please bring the plastic bag filled with your food items to the trailer in the parking lot at the IGA on September 15, 2018 from 9 AM to noon.

If you would like to help please phone Bob at 250 460-2560.

May 11 William Leggott Concert 7 PM

May 11 William Leggott Concert 7 PM

The  May 11 William Leggott concert is called Journey through the Heart of Spain.

It will feature William Leggott and friends.

May 11, 2018 at 7 PM at Okanagan Falls United Church.

Featuring Spanish Guitars and Beautiful Dancers.

All those who remember or heard about last years concert will not want to miss this one.

Tickets $20.  Available by Calling 250 460-2560

March 28 Vintage Voices Concert 7:30 PM

March 28  Vintage Voices Concert starts at 7:30 PM

Vintage Voices will be presenting Dream along with the Vintage Voices over the past 100 years.

Tickets are $7 and are available by contacting 250 460-2560 or 250 497-1171.  Tickets are also available by contacting a member of the Vintage Voices or the congregation of Okanagan Falls United Church.  Tickets will also be available at the door.

Seating will be pew seating on a first come, first serve basis.

Click here to find out where the church is located.

Refreshments, Goodies, Snacks and fellowship  following the performance.

Let your friends and neighbours know about the concert.

First half musical selections:

Let’s Sing


Dream a Little Dream



Anything Goes

The Alley Cat Song

Twelfth Street Rag


O Bury Me Out on the Lone Prairie

Happy Trails

Second half musical selections:

Tennessee Waltz

Medley 1: Young Love – Magic Moments – Heart
and Soul- Blue Moon – Over the Rainbow.

Medley 2: Yours – Yellow Bird -, Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White

Side by Side

My Blue Heaven

Yes Sir that’s My Baby

Medley 3: Baby Face – Boo Hoo

Auld Lang Syne

Danny Boy

Twilight Time
