Christmas Eve Service 2021

Please join us for our Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM on December 24.

The service will be a Carols and Scripture Readings.

Hark the Herald Angels Sing

Away in a Manger

While Shepherds watch their Flocks

Silent Night

A reminder that to enter the church you must be able to prove you have been double vaccinated.


From Five to Five Thirty

From Five to Five Thirty – a one act play will be at Okanagan Falls United Church. The performance will be on Wednesday, July 12 at 7:30 PM.
Tickets $10 available by calling 250 460-2560 or 250 497-1171 or from any church member.
Tickets also available at the door.
Producer Norm Lynch. Directed by Donna Lynch.
Actors :

  • Mrs. Treetops: Liz Lawrence
  • Edith: Cheryl Gil
  • Alice: Melissa Kuse
  • Gertie: Evelyn Travis
  • Katie Boxer: Eleanor WalkerBy playwright: Philip Johnson
    With permission from Samuel French
    Setting: The home of Mrs. Treetops.
    Plot: A play which shows how quickly events can change when an elderly woman determines a course of action that overturns the plans of her overbearing daughters.


Graceland – A one act play

Graceland – a one act play will be at Okanagan Falls United Church.  The performance will be on  Wednesday, June 14 at 7:30 PM.

Tickets  $10 available by calling 250 460-2560 or 250 497-1171 or from any church member.

Tickets also available at the door.

Directed by our very own Eleanor Walker. Producer Norm Lynch.  Actors are Gayl Grant and Laurie Richards. Stage Manager: Marla Wilson. Produced with permission of Dramatists Play Service. Playwright: Ellen Bryon

Our Own Ed Findlater awarded the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

Ed Findlater awarded the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

As published in the Oliver Daily News, Ed Findlater will be awarded the Governors General’s Caring Canadian Award on Thursday March 23, 2017 at 12:30 PM at the Okanagan Elementary School in the School Gymnasium which also doubles as the community center for Okanagan Falls.  Please plan on attending to show Ed our support.  Ed is a retired Canadian Forces Veteran and he continues to be active with the Royal Canadian Legion.  He has held every position on the Executive including a 6 year term as President.  He was called in to be a trouble shooter in Penticton and has been the British Columbia and Yukon Chairman for 11 years. For the past 12 years Ed has been the Branch Service Officer.  He has lead the Remembrance Day Services in Okanagan Falls for the past 6 years.  Ed visits sick and infirmed veterans and drives them to medical appointments as far away as Kelowna.  Ed is a founding member of a committee that is researching the feasibility of Veteran and Senior housing in Okanagan Falls on Legion property.  He has served on the Commands Administrative Committee and represents the Legion on the province’s Operational Stress Injury Stakeholder Advisory Committee.  Since 2005 Ed has been a member of the Client Advisory Committee for Veterans Affairs.  Please join Okanagan Falls residents on Thursday at 12:15 PM to honour Ed Findlater at the school gymnasium.

Mid March Musical Merriment March 16

 Mid March Musical Merriment March 16

As a part of the Wednesday Night Back Door program the Vintage Voices (an all men’s chorus) will be singing at the Mid March Musical Merriment event.

Thursday March 16 at 7:00 pm at the Okanagan Falls United Church.  1108 Willow Street

For Tickets please call 250 460-2560 or 250 497-1171 or visit Okanagan Falls Thrift Store at the Heritage Museum 1145 Main St.

Here is the line up of songs:

Home on the Range
Tumbling Tumbleweeds
Cool Water
Oh Bury Me Out
Ghost Riders
Happy Trails

Set 2
Lullaby of Birdland
A Groovy Kind of Love
Love Letters in the Sand
Magic Moments
When There’s Love at Home

Set 3
Mister Sandman
My Happiness
Stuck on You
Chances Are
At the Hop
Twilight Time
Welcome yo my World

Tickets $5 available in advance or at the door.

William Leggott Concert Jan. 18

An Excursion into the Heart of Spain

We are very privileged to have the very talented William Leggott and guests to perform a concert on January 18. The concert starts at 6:30 PM.


For tickets please call 250 460-2560  or 250 497-1171

Concert will be at Okanagan Falls United Church

1108 Willow Street  Map

Guests to include guest guitarist Evan Robillard

and dancers Wendy Gouldie and Celine Blais

Tickets $20 available in advance or at the door.

Sponsored by Classic Guitars in Penticton.


Back Door Wednesday Gatherings

Come out and join us on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.  Enter through the Back Door of the church and join us for games, Crystal Bowl Meditation and Story telling. Here is the line up we have for you to date

Jan. 11 at 6:30 PM Games Night

Jan. 18 at 6:30 PM  William Leggott Concert

Jan. 25 at 6:30 PM Crystal Bowl Meditation


We are planning to have a music night and possibly open mic sessions as well.

Goodies, snacks, juice and coffee will be provided.  There will be a cover charge of $5. Children under 12 will be free.

Day of Beautification -Thanks Interior Savings

Okanagan Falls United Church (The Blasted Church) was extremely fortunate to benefit from this day of giving from Interior Savings Credit Union in Okanagan Falls.

Starting out (the before picture)
Starting out (the before picture)

On Thursday October 20 the Interior Savings was closed at 2 PM and all of the generous employees came out to beautify the church grounds of Okanagan Falls United Church at 1108 Willow Street in Okanagan Falls.  Seven Employees devoted their time and labour for the beautification of our lovely little Blasted Church by cleaning up the two gardens along walkway leading into the Blasted Church.

Several other kind, community-minded residents also came out to hoe, dig, plant, rake and otherwise transform the walkway garden leading to front door of the Sanctuary.

We have been blessed with this community and our heartfelt Thanks to all who helped.

The finished product.  Thanks again to all who helped.

Save “The Blasted Church” GoFundMe Campaign Kicked off

“The Blasted Church”

The Save “The Blasted Church” Campaign was started on the gofundme website

follow the link above to make your donation to help our little church continue to minister to the Okanagan Falls community and surrounding area.  Please tell your family, friends and acquaintances about our campaign and encourage them to make a donation.  To find out our history click About Us above and select About Us or click here
Our gofundme campaign has got off to a wonderful start with $50 already being donated just minutes after the campaign was kicked off.  We have already had 102 visits to the campaign.  Let’s keep the money coming in, please check out the Go Fund Me Campaign and make a donation.Go fund Me
Stayed tuned for updates to the gofundme campaign site and updates to this website with descriptions of the donated items in the church, more on the history of the church and a virtual video tour of our historic building

Rev. Ken Jones

kenjonesRev. Ken Jones will be starting as our new minister on November 1, 2015.  He has been a minister in the United Church of Canada since 1985.  Over the past 30 years Ken has developed an appreciation for many ways of being spiritual. He has seen how First Nations people all over the world recognize the presence of the creator in all things.   This knowledge has challenged Ken over the years to reach  beyond  himself to seek God in theater, clowning, stilt walking, community choirs, figure skating, dancing, in nature, in cities, on mountain tops and in quiet glades.  Ken has been practicing meditation for most of his career but the face of it has changed greatly, from just sitting quietly to being surrounded and filled by the sounds of crystal bowls, chanting, Tai Chi, Yoga of sound and voice, to name a few.  Ken began putting on clown face in the early 80’s for clown ministry. Over the years he clowned at day cares  and kindergarten and put on his clown face to have fun clowning with the children. This allowed him to add to his portfolio the title of laughter leader.  Ken’s path in life is to seek truth and find fun in whatever life brings.