Celebrate Stewardship

celebrate_logo_clrOur Celebrate Stewardship campaign started on April 7.  The Celebrate Stewardship program was developed by The United Church of Canada and focus on a theology of stewardship that highlights the abundance of God’s love for us and our desire and need to respond abundantly to that love. We sum it up in this short sentence:

God gives to us and we give to God.

There is also an understanding that our faith in God gives us the knowledge that we live a life of abundance simply because God is generous. Our response to this generous God can be none other than abundant living and abundant giving.

The campaign ends on Celebration Sunday, May 5 where Marion Best will lead the service and give a sermon on stewardship which will conclude with Marion  extending the invitation to return Estimates of Giving form.

The service will be followed by the Celebrate Stewardship luncheon.